Coyote and the Female Power Gathering

When coyote first became Leader, a large group of different female creatures decided to get together and have a Female Power Gathering. Among other things, many were mad because they felt they were treated with less respect than the males.

Now when Coyote heard that thousands of females were coming near him, he got excited. He didn’t pay attention to the details and figured all the woman were coming to see him. He kept thinking about sleeping with all the women that were coming, and grabbing their genitals. He figured now that he was Leader, it would even be easier to seduce them.  He couldn’t stop thinking about it.

The day of the Gathering came, but the females wanted nothing to do with him. Not only were they not there to sleep with him, but they actually were mad at him. Lots of them said bad things about him, and these bad things were heard everywhere. You can imagine his incredible disappointment. His tail curled up.

So Coyote got angry. He was so angry he told everyone that more people came to his party the day before, than went to the Gathering. It was a stupid lie, because everyone could see that twice as many people showed up to the Gathering.

That was before people really knew what kind of Leader he was. Everyone knew he was lying, and were surprised that he would lie about something so obvious. But Coyote didn’t care and went on lying anyway. Again and again.