Coyote and the Shower of Gold

The Brown Bear Nation is a tough place run by Bear Volodya. If you live there and don’t like Bear Volodya, they have very cold places to send you … if you’re lucky. They are very smart and clever, but oddly, instead of trying to make their nation better, they try to make other nations worse. They seem to especially like causing trouble in the Sky Nation, even though there is an ocean between them.

Coyote had done favors for the Brown Bears. He thought he was smarter than them, and they happily let him believe that.

A few years ago they invited him to a den where there were two beautiful vixen. The vixen sang:

Coyote, you are smart and strong
You can be better, before long
We’ll will make you rich and healthy too

A Golden Shower’s right for you

Now Coyote was quite intrigued. He didn’t know what gold was (he’s a coyote after all). But he liked the “rich” part and the vixen were very good looking. So he eagerly asked them to give him a Golden Shower.

The vixen poured all different forms of gold all over Coyote, and covered him from head to toe. There were little rocks, disks, and large bars, and as they fell all over him, he was nearly ecstatic. He loved the feeling of gold, deep, deep in his heart and soul. He cried out “Yes. Yes! More. More!” and “Oh it feels so good!”. He groaned “Don’t stop!”. As some of the heavy pieces fell on him, they bruised his skin, and rumpled his fur. So by the end he looked like quite a mess.

When they finished, he shook himself off, but didn’t feel any healthier or richer. But later his Brown Bear “friends” told him that they used a magic talisman that made pictures of the whole thing, that they could show everyone. Coyote realized how foolish he would look and was a quite embarrassed and knew he’d been tricked.

Years later, they helped him become Leader, by encouraging the creatures of the Sky Nation to fight each other. But, the Brown Bears are very subtle. After he became Leader, they would say things to Coyote like “this is a golden opportunity” or “the hills are paved with gold” to remind him that they could show everyone the magic pictures and embarrass him if he didn’t do what they wanted.

So Coyote did a lot to get the Sky Nation creatures to fight each other, and weaken the Sky Nation, which the Brown Bears wanted. But that was all fun for him, so he didn’t care if he was helping the Brown Bears.