How can you measure a lie? How big is a “big lie”? How small is a “little white lie”? Is it the number of people the lie hurts? Is it how absurdly ridiculous the lie is? It’s hard to say, isn’t it? But in this tale Coyote is definitely telling a very “Big Lie”.
Coyote lost the important Choosing for Leader and he was shocked! And angry! He had done everything right. He had lied like crazy. He had made up funny, insulting nicknames for his opponent, Eagle Joe. He even had big rallies, in the middle of a time of a great plague, and made sure his followers had no protection against the devastating sickness. His followers were loyal, and willing to die for him. And he was Coyote! But alas, he had lost. By a lot.
“They can’t get rid of me that easily”, he muttered out loud. And had many choice curses for the Eagle Joe’s Sky Clan, and creatures with darker feathers or fur. But he really didn’t know what to do. So he ate some rodents in despair.
His stomach gurgled and growled. Coyote said to his digestive system: “Digestive system, you are talking. I have lost. You have always been there for me. What should I do?”
But his stomach just continued making digestive noises. Coyote was frustrated. So, he said even louder: “Digestive system. I am lost, please help me!” But still nothing. His stomach just gurgled.
Coyote was really mad now. So, he bellowed: “Digestive system. If you don’t help me I’ll punch you!” And he started hitting his stomach. Harder and harder. Then he passed wind.
It was just a little squeak at first, like a mouse. But as he passed more wind it got louder. Coyote twisted his head around, and put his ear right up to his tail end. The wind blew hard, and messed his hair up. He knew he’d have to comb it back into place, to look right. But finally, Coyote heard this song:
Coyote, you are Coyote,
So you must have won.
Eagle Joe must have stolen
The election.
Nothing else makes sense
Coyote was very pleased with the song. He got his helpers Weasel Rudy and Weasel Sidney to sing the song far and wide. They all laughed because they knew that no reasonable creature could believe it. Later on, Weasel Sidney even said that to everyone. But some did believe, and others said they did.
Nowadays the Rodent Clan leaders try to imitate Coyote’s song. But they have squeaky, little voices and it sounds terrible. Coyote sings The Big Lie because he loves to lie. But when the rodents sing it, it’s just kind of embarrassing.