The Ravens created a new kind of magic lamp. They called it the Lamp that Enhances Delight. They last much longer than regular magic lamps and take less magic to use. You might ask: “how could anyone not love a better, new magic lamp?”.
One day Coyote was looking in the mirror, combing his hair, admiring his appearance. Then he put on some orange makeup, believing that it made him look like he had been out in the sun. It actually made him look like a wilted pumpkin, but everyone close to him was too scared to tell him. Right then, a mirror lamp burned out and he put on too much orange makeup. A maintenance beaver came to replace it and said: “This new magic lamp will be much better.”
But Coyote looked really orange and silly. So he blamed it on the magic lamps. He told everyone that magic lamps were bad because they made his skin look orange. Therefore, no one should use them. Now most creatures knew how ridiculous this was. How could anyone not like the better magic lamps? But some of his followers believed him, and stopped using them, even though it made their lives harder. But they felt good because they were following Coyote.