Badger Mike was Coyote’s loyal Assistant. Coyote thought he was useful, because he claimed to be a big Cross Follower, even though he ended up lying a lot to help Coyote. So when Coyote started singing The Big Lie, after he lost, he told Badger Mike to go to the meeting in the Power Dome and make everyone say that Coyote had won. Now Badger Mike knew he didn’t have the power to do that, and said so. Like most, he figured that it was just crazy Coyote talk.
But Coyote got his really crazy followers, who believed his Big Lie song, to go to the Power Dome, smash things up, and scare everyone, while all the decision makers were there. Well, they certainly scared Badger Mike, who was there with his family. They all ran and hid. And it’s a good thing they did, because then Coyote played a really mean and dangerous trick on Badger Mike.
Coyote’s followers were running around smashing things and chanting “hang the traitor Badger Mike”. Coyote knew what was happening, like everyone else. For two hours into the mayhem, everyone was expecting Coyote to do something to stop it, but he didn’t. He just sat there watching with tears of laughter running down his cheeks, Then he sent just one bird message song:
Badger Mike is a coward
and a traitor too,
My happy followers,
You know what to do.
You can imagine how that excited the crazy followers. They probably would have eaten Badger, if they had found him. Poor loyal Badger, there with his family, running and cowering.
But the really crazy thing is, even after this mean trick Badger still is loyal to Coyote. He goes around singing the Big Lie, maybe not a strong as Coyote, but pretty loud. Maybe he’s scared that Coyote will play an even meaner trick on him, if he gets out of line.