Mink Melania, Foxy Stormy and Coyote

Coyote married Mink Melania and got her pregnant. Coyote must really believe in marriage, because he’s been married so many times.

While Mink Melania was pregnant, Coyote met Foxy Stormy. Foxy was popular due to her mating stories and songs. Males enjoyed watching her mate, again, and again, and again … well you get the idea. When they met, Coyote invited her to his den. She thought that maybe Coyote could help her gather more food, and have a nicer den. When she made it clear that she would mate with him, Coyote didn’t hesitate. He thought it would be big fun!

After they mated, Foxy Stormy tried to get Coyote to assist her, and he said he would, but Coyote lies about everything, and he never offered a helping paw. In fact, later he sent a wolf to threaten her and her daughter, if she told anyone about what they did together.

While he was running for Leader, he decided to offer her a big gift to keep quiet. She said she would. But the joke was on him, because three weeks before the Choosing, she told everyone! And kept the gift.

But the curious thing was, that his followers didn’t care. He cheated on his wife Mink Melania while she was pregnant. But even the supposedly moral Cross Followers, who always watched and criticized the behavior of others, didn’t say anything. Lots of other females came out with similar stories, but it didn’t matter. Coyote never really even bothered to deny any of it.

But someone who did care was his wife Mink Melania. She was probably quite angry, because after it all came out, whenever Coyote tried to hold her paw in front of everyone, Mink Melania pulled back, like his paws were on fire. He would get a funny look on his face, but it would pass quickly. And she did it for years and years!