The Fox Talkers, Coyote, and the Magic Teapot

The Fox Talkers got together and were having a discussion. Fox Rupert said: “We’re clever foxes. How can we get more animals to eat, and precious items to make our dens more beautiful?” So they talked and talked, for three days, and then they came upon a great idea, “Let’s make a magic teapot. It will bellow and moan very loudly. It doesn’t have to sing anything with meaning. People will hear it, and think it’s important because it’s so loud.”

So they assembled their fox magicians and made the magic teapot. They filled it up and started it boiling. It was so loud! Most creatures said: “What is that ridiculous, meaningless fox talker noise? It’s so irritating!” But some creatures said: “The fox talkers must be saying something very important to be singing so loudly.” So they came closer and closer, and got more and more used to the racket. Eventually they met other Fox Talker followers, and it made them feel strong, even if it was just empty noise that united them.

Now the Fox Talkers were very happy with their teapot. Very happy indeed! When no one was watching carefully, they would eat some of the smaller creatures. Other creatures brought gifts, and the Fox Talkers made nicer dens. They had more rooms and soft floors, and lots of food stored. But it wasn’t enough.

Fox Rupert met with the other Fox Talkers and said: “If we can get more creatures to come, we can eat more and have nicer dens.” So they talked again for three days and decided. “Let’s work with Coyote. We will throw his turds into the teapot, and the scent will go far and wide. More creatures will come.”

So they consulted their fox magicians, rounded up the “necessary materials” from Coyote, who was happy to help, and made their magic tea. And it worked! Most creatures said: “What is that Fox Talker stench? It’s disgusting”. But others found it enticing, and said: “What is that strong smell? It must be important.” And they were drawn to it, where they met others like them, and felt important and strong.

The Fox Talkers and Coyote loved the magic teapot. They now had many followers, so they ate very well, and had very nice dens. They roared with laughter because they knew their teapot was just a bunch of Coyote turds boiling noisily.

But there was an interesting side effect. At first, it was a lot of work to keep the pot boiling. But little by little the fox magicians noticed that the followers were filling up with hate, anger and fear, and this made the teapot burn hotter and louder. As the followers found each other, they felt stronger, even though they were more fearful and angry, and felt kind of empty inside.

Amazingly, the magic teapot still is boiling away, making a racket, spreading stench and ill will, even to this day.